The Milton Sports Hall of Fame is committed to recognizing and honouring the accomplishments and contributions of Milton’s sporting community. On November 21, over 200 community members gathered at the FirstOntario Arts Centre Milton to witness the unveiling of five new Wall of Fame panels in recognition of this year’s newest inductees.

This year Howie Scannell (Athlete – Auto Racing), the late Hugh “Pete” McMullen (Builder – Baseball/ Hockey), Larry Jaroslawski (Builder – Wrestling), Kevin Iwasa-Madge (Athlete – Wrestling), and Tina Braam (Builder – Triathlon), collectively now the “Class of 2024”, were celebrated for their achievements on and off the field of play.

As the late Scott Hogarth, a MSHOF inductee himself, would say, “Welcome to the 110% Club”. Besides the usual thank-you’s in a traditional acceptance speech, there were words of wisdom shared as well. “Women who do sports and athletics make better life choices,” said Braam, a 2024 inductee in the builder category, just before the ceremony’s start. Braam and her fellow inductees also joined the crowd in celebrating Joe Yaworski, who is retiring as chairman of the MSHOF after 10 years of leadership. Due to the fact a wrestlingtheme emerged with this class of inductees – notably with McMullen’s nickname being “Hard Rock” from his days wrestling in Sudbury, and with Jaroslawski and Iwasa-Madge being the faces of local high school wrestling – it was no surprise a large, loud and rowdy group of E.C. Drury supporters came out to the 8th annual event.

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