Milton has two new published authors, Amyrah Khanna and Zayna Yazdan two young students at P.L Robertson Elementary School. They co-wrote “The Arctic Fox Crystal” with great support from their teacher Ms. Tanesha Forbes Bunsie as well as their parents. Sherwood Community Centre in Milton hosted the official book launch last month which was well attened.
The Arctic Fox Crystal is a book that showcases both their talented writing and also their illustrations. “We’re thrilled to share our story with the world,” said Zayna and Amyrah.
“It’s exciting to see our ideas come to life in a real book” Ms. Bunsie shared the african proverb “It takes a village to raise a child” and that sense of community was well shown today in the family, friends, educators and supporters that were present to encourage Zayna and Amyrah on their journey.
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