Another joyous Christmas Season behind us and from all of the staff at Milton Mall and all of the stores and services we wish to say thank you for your continued support! Milton Mall would also like to extend a very large, heartfelt thank you to all those who donated food to the Salvation Army and toys to the Toys for Tots programs.
Although there is no formal tracking system or accounting done it was by all accounts a banner year for the Milton Mall donation locations. All of the donations and acts of kindness prove once again that Milton is a tight knit community, one in which Milton Mall is dedicated to being an active partner in.
The coming year brings many crowd favorites, the Chinese New Year Festival, the Milton Monkeys Kids’ Club and the numerous non-profit events and fund raisers. Milton Mall is a community hub and as such always welcomes the opportunity to host public awareness displays, registration drives and everything in between. Milton Mall has ample common area space and can even assist with tables and chairs. If your non-profit or community organization needs space to meet and greet your neighbors, co-workers and group members, Milton Mall is the place to be.
As we head into 2019 lets collectively make a pack to support our family and friends within Milton, let’s get involved with a few of the groups we always say we are interested in; The arts scene, the scouts and girl guides, sports teams – maybe even the seniors’ or youth drop in centers across the city. If you are in the organization team of one of these groups, put Milton Mall on your list of resources as a great space and a place to mingle
From all of the staff, stores and services at Milton Mall, may the New Year bring you much happiness and health, prosperity and joy. See you at Milton Mall!