Dean Wooley was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, at 56. He was reassured that the disease, which causes joint pain could be managed well enough to allow him to continue enjoying participating in sports. He used his birthday in 2018 as a fundraiser called “No Limits” for the Arthritis Society. February 2, 2020 marked the second annual fundraiser.
Dean Wooley has been playing ultimate Frisbee for over a decade when he first started the charity. “I thought why not have a tournament-birthday party. And then it didn’t make sense to spend all this money without having a donation part of it,” he explained. They raised $1724.63 in 2019 for the Arthritis Society of Canada. “The people returned because it was a fun format, and a good cause,” he said. The money raised at the 2020 tournament was going to efforts to fight arthritis in the Burlington office.
Ultimate Frisbee is a sport emphasizing sportsmanship, and spirit of the game. It was played widthwise on the field at the Milton Indoor Turf Centre near Jean Vanier Secondary School. Participants gathered and made their own teams of 5-7.
Ultimate Frisbee is a sport emphasizing sportsmanship, and spirit of the game. It was played widthwise on the field at the Milton Indoor Turf Centre near Jean Vanier Secondary School. Participants gathered and made their own teams of 5-7.
Many heard about the event through the Milton Ultimate Frisbee Club. “It’s a good way to get everybody out, and it’s for a good cause,” Tracy Peetrs explained. Peetrs had been playing for 20 years, and had even made it a family affair with her son Malcom. She’d played while pregnant with him, and he’d taken his first steps at a tournament. “He started playing when he was about six,” she explained. Malcom plays in a league in Toronto. “Motion is the lotion. It makes so much sense if you think about it,” Wooley said.
Steve Carpenter is part of the Milton Ultimate Frisbee league, which has been operating since 2008. “It’s a great way to combine his (Dean’s) birthday, the sport we love, and a great cause,” he said of the fundraiser.
To learn more about the ultimate Frisbee visit: To learn more about the arthritis society visit: