Milton District Hospital Foundation (MDHF) Gift of Health Gala Presented by Mattamy Homes and Diamond Sponsor Chudleigh’s took place on Saturday, October 21. Together as a community, guests boogie down to tribute band Always ABBA, with the theme for the evening being I Have A Dream for Our Home, Our Hospital. MDHF’s dream remains the same, to continue to provide essential medical equipment into the hands of our caregivers to ensure quality healthcare close to home. MDHF are pleased to announce that the Gift of Health Gala raised $614,000! They would like to thank all the sponsors, donors, guests, and volunteers for sharing their dream for Milton District Hospital.

Attendees at the Gift of Health Galawere able to watch local councillor Kristina Tesser Derksen perform life saving critical care with Dr. Wong from Milton District Hospital in a live medical simulation.

The annual event is always well attended by both businesses and local residents and whole ticket table purchases are a sought out commodity each year. Local community group Milton Muslim Moms being one of the purchasers of a table of tickets posted this on their facebook page – “Milton Muslim Moms wants to express gratitude for all the help and support which helped us raise $4,500 for Milton District Hospital Foundation. Also we want to give a shout out to all the businesses who helped us secure the Corporate Table Sponsorship in Gift Of Health Gala 2023. #giftofhealthgala2023 #miltonmuslimmoms #MDHF

To find out more information about MDHF and how you can help our local hospital visit

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